TrxNo :
SELECT t.TransacNo, t.AppsTransacID, m.MemberNo, m.MemberUsername, m.TelMobile, m.IntroducerNo, m.IntroducerUsername, t.AmtTransac FROM `tbl_transac_logs` AS t INNER JOIN `tbl_member_info` AS m ON t.MemberNo=m.MemberNo WHERE t.TransacNo='476212' AND t.TransacType LIKE 'V' AND t.indProcess='0' AND m.IntroducerNo>'0' ORDER BY t.TransacNo
{} Warning: openssl_encrypt(): IV passed is 16 bytes long which is longer than the 0 expected by selected cipher, truncating in /var/www/smart/web/class/AES.php on line 88